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Writer's pictureJeannie Collins Beaudin


Well, I just realized it’s a good thing we’re back to “orange” here in southern New Brunswick… I think I was starting to catch “COVID-osis”, that mental state that comes over you when you’ve been in COVID isolation just a little too long.

You know what I mean… you start lots of projects to keep yourself busy since you have so much time on your hands with no socializing and so many places off-limits. You know you have to be careful, especially with the new, highly contagious variants invisibly finding their way into our communities so you’re mostly just staying home. And since no-one is coming to visit, why not leave everything out so you can just hop from one activity to another when you get bored? Plus, nobody will see the dust, so just leave the cleaning until next week and have some fun.

Lots of projects...

I’ve developed little work stations all over the house. I have my art desk set up in the sun room, with all my tools, supplies and works in progress. And I have my tablet set up there so I can pop in and do another section of the online painting lessons I signed up for whenever the mood strikes me. My spare bedroom is converted into a sewing and knitting room (I have a knitting machine). I’m still making a few masks—my daughter needed some spares when she finally was rehired to her old job she lost during the first wave. And the family room has my hand knitting corner where I like to knit while watching TV. Inspired by all the “Bernie” memes, I’ve been knitting patterned mittens... about a dozen pairs done! Just for fun, I’ve even added thumb openings for those who like to take photos with their phones outdoors!

But the house gradually got messier, I hung out in my PJs longer, and I needed an invitation from my hubby to inspire me to go for a walk outside. I had set up my computer on the dining room table for some reason that I don’t remember any more, and there it stayed. Too convenient. I wouldn’t call it depression, but there certainly was a level of not caring about the various messes all over the house while the “red zone” restrictions dragged on and visiting wasn’t allowed.

Back to "Orange"

Thank goodness we’re back to “orange”… nothing like a little contact with other humans to perk you up. With the current level of restrictions, we are allowed to socialize with 10 other people who don’t live in our home. So we enjoyed a wonderful dinner with 4 friends and invited 2 family members over for dinner this week. Four more positions to fill… That will be my sisters and their hubbies this Sunday! We're going to celebrate all the 4 birthdays we missed during the restrictions, all at once!!

Of course, visitors coming for the first time in a long time made me look at my living areas through new eyes. Good grief… I couldn’t let anyone see all my mess! I spent a full day cleaning and putting things away, and another day preparing for our “grand visite”. And guess what? I love how everything looks now. I just look around and feel good about my home. Wish I'd done it sooner!

My computer is back on my desk where I can do some serious work. If I’m planning to get more writing done this winter than just my blog, I’d better get at it. In fact, I have a book written that just needs to be uploaded, and I just got a beautiful, finished cover for it. Nothing holding me back now except myself!

How about you?

So, how are you doing with COVID restrictions? Have you been doing anything special to keep busy during all your extra “spare time”? Is it helping your state of mind and energy level? It’s all too easy to just lounge around feeling sorry for yourself, missing the good times usually spent with family and friends (as I can attest!). But it can feel good to accomplish something, at least for me, and clearing away the clutter made me feel even better. It's good to find an activity that makes you feel relaxed and contented, whether it's meditation, art, exercise or something else.

What's your favourite feel-good thing to do to fight off "COVID-osis"? Please share in the comments... maybe your ideas will help inspire the rest of us!

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1 kommentti

19. helmik. 2021

Haha ... nothing like visitors to get that house cleaned. I can totally relate. With 3 teenagers and now a cat in the house, the house is always messy and there is no time for covid-osis here... there is always some excitement happening in the house lol!!

I do like the word covid-osis ... maybe it will make it into the dictionary if this pandemic keeps going

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